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Services  /  Wound Care  /  Conditions Treated

Conditions Treated

Arterial Wounds
Ulcers that are slow to heal due to reduced blood flow.

We provide follow-up for patients seen in the Emergency Department for burns.

Collagen Vascular Disease
An autoimmune disease that sometimes results in wounds that are very slow to heal.

Diabetic Wounds
Caused by external situations (skin cuts, burns, bumps and bruises) or internal situations (skin ulcers, ingrown toenails or calluses) and have slow or delayed healing.

Pressure Wounds
Otherwise known as bed sores, decubitus ulcers or pressure ulcers. They result from unrelieved pressure and often form over bony areas. 

Post-Operative Wounds
Wounds that occur after surgery, around a surgical incision or in the area where stitches, staples or surgical glue are used to close an incision.

Slow-to-Heal or Non-Healing Wounds
Wounds that do not improve after four weeks or heal after eight weeks.  

Venous Disease
A disease caused by veins that become abnormal. Includes varicose and spider veins, leg ulcers, sores and swelling of both legs. 

Venous Wounds
Ulcers of the lower legs that require medical attention in addition to managing any associated swelling.
The above conditions are some of the most common conditions treated. We offer skilled care for numerous other related medical conditions. If you need care for a condition not listed here Contact us.
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