Price Transparency
Ferrell Hospital is committed to being transparent regarding our hospital charges. The information provided below contains a comprehensive listing of our charges.
However, hospital charge masters are lengthy and complex documents and do not provide information at a level conducive for this purpose. It is not likely the charge master will be a useful tool for a patient to understand what their financial obligation will be or to shop between hospitals. Requesting a pricing estimate for specific services you will be receiving is the recommended choice for a patient to gain a better understanding of their financial responsibility. Price estimates are for gross hospital charges, prior to insurance benefits being applied, if applicable. Members of our Financial Team are available by appointment or by phone from 8AM to 4:30PM Monday thru Friday to assist you with pricing estimates. Inquiries can be made by calling 618-273-3361 ext. 1663.
Charges are based on what type of care is provided and can differ from patient to patient for the same service depending on any complications or different treatment provided due to the patient's health. Therefore, actual charges for a specific patient will differ from the listed standard charges.
Price estimates will not include professional services provided by a physician, surgeon, radiologist, anesthesiologist, pathologist, or other independent practitioners.
NHSC Sliding Fee Discount – In accordance with NHSC site requirements, discounts for services performed will be uniformly applied to all patients both uninsured and underinsured, based on family size and income solely. No one will be denied access to services based on their inability to pay.
Ferrell Hospital Chargemaster and Price Transparency